Losing A Spouse

Or a country - one of many such stories:

After being kidnapped three times in his native Colombia, my partner was denied asylum after his case was pending 6 years in the United States. He left Christmas Day. Although he learned English, and got a GED just to become acculturated (holds a Master’s degree), we don’t want him here. Bad immigrant I guess. Can't imagine what a good one might be, though. But unlike everyone else who has been highlighted in the “America won’t let us live here” series, I’m not so sad about leaving and joining him there. America is not who she claims to be. Regular readers of your blog will understand. I don’t hate my country. I love it. But for what it promises, not what it has become.

Sad when an American is embracing a Third World country because it offers greater liberty and opportunity. I can't be the only one who feels this way.

He's not. Here's a site devoted to love exiles, denied the right to marry and thereby immigrate.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan