Love him or hate him - and I do both all the time - he's usually worth reading:

I certainly agree about "compassionate conservatism." I came in for some obloquy on this very blog a few years ago for calling it "turkey poop," but in retrospect I think I was too kind. At least one of its aspects the determination to show kindness to poor people by making it easier for them to buy houses, by chucking sane credit standards out the window contributed mightily to our current economic mess. And there are certainly people in the GOP who think our error has been that we weren't "compassionate" enough. In fact that is probably George W. Bush's thinking, and John McCain's too. I'd like to see the GOP get its green-eyeshade image back; but alas, green eyeshades in the kind of deep recession we are entering are snowflakes in hell, politically. We must hunker down and look to the future.

Pretty honest assessment. He only likes Sarah Palin for Lowry-esque reasons. She gives his tweed trousers starbursts. I wonder how much of Palin's male support never got past her ass.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan