A Pivot For Peace?

A reader writes:

Not all pro-Israel minded folks are shallow enough to be rooting for Ahmadinejad out of hopes that this will keep the political status quo, thereby enabling a military strike. I can speak only of myself... I am part Jewish and, by Jewish law (maternal descent), I am "officially" Jewish (though non-practicing, and actually raised Protestant). And while I believe the state of Israel is heavy-handed in its treatment of the Palestinians, I overwhelmingly back Israel in its seemingly eternal battle with the Palestinians. Most Israeli violence is, though unnecessarily disproportionate, provoked. Moreover, a historical understanding of the land would say that neither party truly has a "right" to the land, but if anyone does, it would be the Jews (the land has almost always been controled by a foreign Empire... Jews have been the only ones ever to self-govern and "own" that land).

I tell you this background to say this: There is never anything "bad" about people asserting their rights and freedom. Never. And the peaceful way in which the Iranian protesters are going about it is even more exceptional. My support for Israel would label me a "Zionist" in the eyes of the Iranian government. Yet, I bear no ill will towards the people of Iran.

And, in fact, I see the current uprising as a beautiful symbol of what is possible. Clearly, Mousavi is not pro-Israel. Nor, I suspect, are most of the protesters. But, if these forces of good prevail in Iran, there may be a reduction in overt belligerence. From that, a lasting peace and understanding could emerge. Of course, it would be a slow process. I am not blind to reality; there is much history and negativity to overcome. But the possibility would exist. Right now, under the current regime in Iran, combined with the right-wing ascendancy in Israel, only darkness, death and sadness is on the horizon. The good people of Iran are trying to change this. I wish them well and hope they are successful... for their sake and the world's.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan