Disgruntled Wikipedians, Ctd.

A reader writes:

I doubt this is something I need to point out to you, but I think it's worth reiterating as much as possible that the choice, for antisocial people, isn't between social networking online and social networking in-person. Rather, it's between social networking online and not social networking at all. There are many people who are coming to feel a sense of community and acceptance for the first time in their lives thanks to Facebook or WoW or whatever. This is a tremendously good thing. I mean, it's no news that some in this world have very poor social skills, but it's a sea change for these people to suddenly have a venue for expression and friendship. I've seen friends really blossom after joining online communities, and it's miraculous. Let's celebrate it!
2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan