That Graph Again

A reader writes:

I'm with Nate Silver on this one.  I plotted the 2008 presidential election results with each data point representing a poll-closing time (7PM EST, 7:30PM, etc.), to give a better idea than Nate's analysis of results over time.  Doing this using the electoral vote count, I got an R-squared of 0.95, which is already very high.  I suspected that doing it using the popular vote, given its more granular nature, would yield a higher value.  And so it does.  See the graph below (Obama votes on the bottom, McCain votes on the right), with a basically perfect correlation of 1.  As Nate says, this doesn't disprove fraud (or the compelling nature of the election, come to that); it only shows that the graph does not prove fraud.

My reader's graph after the jump:

2008_mccain_vs_obama_popular vote
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