Hathos Alert, Ctd

A reader writes:

Perhaps you could do your readers a favor and interpret that Sarah Palin ad. I honestly can't figure out what the message is supposed to be. It started out straightforward enough - Palin is strong on defense, because there are a lot of pictures of her and the troops. But then what? There's a picture of Barack Obama, a picture of air force one, and then a seemingly random image of king kong under attack by airplanes, and then a picture of Barack Obama smiling, with the ad the summarized by "We need her, big time."

These are Palinites so these are murky waters. But I think the ad is trying to say that Palin is strong on defense and that Barack Obama was actually in Airforce One when it made that stupid flight over New York recently that Obama subsequently investigated. But quite what these nutballs are really up to is beyond me.

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