More news that suggests that the rifts caused by the coup are not going away. A highly informed Iranian reader writes:

I don't know if any one has brought your attention to the statements issued yesterday by leading reformist parties in the wake of the Guardian Council's approval of the election results. Mojahedin Enghelab (Revolutionary Mojahedin) and Mosharakat (Participation Front) both issued statements that are the most confrontational ever. Both influential parties which backed Mousavi are making 3 new and critical points:

a) Bluntly calling what happened a coup d'etat. b) Saying elections, for the first time since the revolution, are meaningless; and c) arguing that this is an illegal government and they will use all non-violent means to fight it.

Khamenei will not tolerate this, it will defeat the purpose and the essence of this coup if he does not manage and move to silence them. So it won't be surprising if they soon move to ban these two parties.

When I get a translation of the party statements, I'll post.

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