More Whole Foods Protests

by Hanna Rosin

A new Whole Foods opened on the Upper West Side today, the New York Times reports. Some single payer street protesters showed up, who are annoyed by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey's Wall Street Journal op-ed opposing Obama Care.

The opening of a new Whole Foods store on the Upper West Side on Thursday has been interpreted in various ways. Some people in the neighborhood welcome the wide selection of expensive groceries and organic items that the upscale supermarket chain represents. Others bemoan the continuing gentrification of the neighborhood

The question of Whole Foods and health care is a complicated one that the Dish has addressed before. I think people have often mistaken Mackey as a movement leftie, when he is actually an off-the-grid vegan type, and therefore obviously leary of government intervention. My question about this news item is much more basic: The Upper West Side is not already gentrified?

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