Score One For The MSM

by Patrick Appel

The NYT grows some and plainly calls the "dealth panels" rumors false, which, of course, they are. Fallows applauds:

In general, even on the most extreme, out-of-the-realm-of-fact political claims, every powerful instinct in the news media shies from calling something "false" in favor of adjectives like "controversial" or "disputed," or sometimes "partisan." As many people have noted, and as I discussed even back at the dawn of time in Breaking the News, the "objective" instincts of the news media can tie it in knots when one side to a political argument is perfectly willing to say obviously false things. It's hard for mainstream publications to say outright that something is false or a lie. So it is impressive to see that the NYT has taken that step.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan