He Aims To Please

Romney now adopts the populist position that we should not have bailed out the banks. That was his latest pander to the Christianist base this morning:

When government is trying to take over health care, buying car companies, bailing out banks, and giving half the White House staff the title of czar – we have every good reason to be alarmed and to speak our mind!

There are several obvious lies in there - there's no "government take-over" of healthcare, and Obama's advisory czars are fewer than Bush's. But Romney will say anything in any particular order in order to pander. There's something quite refreshing about his open refusal to have any principles, or even to worry about the slightest consistency between one statement and the next. (Yes, as Dave Weigel notes, he backed bailing the banks out at the time.) Alas, the only thing less credible than Mitt Romney as a Christianist is Mitt Romney as a populist.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan