Keeping The Homosexuals Away From Your Kids

That was the subtext (and barely sub) of many of the Prop 8 ads in California. The exact same ad - literally the same - is now running in Maine. It portrays what looks like two ordinary parents complaining about their kids being indoctrinated by gays in school. They are not ordinary parents:

Ms. Bansley is the state director of the Concerned Women For America of Maine, and has appeared onstage at many Stand For Marriage Maine rallies. She has made her interest clear time and time again. And while she is a teacher, she doesn't teach at a public institution. She teaches at Calvary Chapel Christian School. A Christian school where she is already freely stifling pro-gay speech, at least according to one of her very own students. To identify Ms. Bansley as merely a "teacher" is like simply calling Barack Obama a CEO of an important entity.

But if fear worked once, they will use it again.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan