How Vile Is Limbaugh?

It's staggering to me that this callow charlatan is supported by people who call themselves Christians. There is no way for anyone who is not a monster to respond to the fathomless tragedy of Haiti by immediately using it to attack a political opponent, and implicitly to urge people not to donate ("We've already donated to Haiti. It’s called the U.S. income tax.”) But you will find no criticism on the Christianist blogs, or any peep from the alleged "religious" right. And given a chance to apologize and retract, Limbaugh simply dug in further, saying the following to a female caller who challenged his moral compass:

“What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a blockhead. What I’m illustrating here is that you’re a close-minded bigot who is ill-informed. If you had listened to this program for a modicum of time, you would know it. But instead, you’re a blockhead. Your mind is totally closed. You have tampons in your ears. Nothing is getting through other than the biased crap that you read.”

The man who race-baits on a regular basis responds to a woman caller by telling her she has tampons in her ears. Now remember that Limbaugh is one of the de facto leaders of Roger Ailes' Republican party. An enthusiastic supporter of torture and of the abuse and murder of innocent prisoners at Abu Ghraib, he is nonetheless worshiped by a theocon like Kathryn Jean Lopez.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan