Too Terrible To Be True?

Dahlia Lithwick examines the Gitmo "suicide" story and the US MSM's refusal to touch it. Maybe someone somewhere can grapple with this narrative and investigate it seriously enough to verify if it really is as horrifying as it appears:

The NCIS report failed to question why it took two hours for these suicides to be discovered despite the fact that guards checked on prisoners at 10-minute intervals. Horton, reporting on interviews with four members of the military intelligence unit assigned to guard Camp Delta, suggests that the men died at "Camp No" (as in, "No, it doesn't exist"), an alleged black site at Gitmo, and were then moved to the clinic. A massive cover-up followed. Official stories hastily changed from claims that the three men had stuffed rags down their own throats to the elaborate hanging plot. Rear Adm. Harry Harris, then the commander at Guantanamo, not only declared the deaths "suicides," but blamed the victims for "an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us." And every piece of paper belonging to every last prisoner in Camp America was then seized, amounting to some 1,065 pounds of material, much of it privileged attorney-client correspondence. The bodies of the three alleged suicide victims were returned home to their families, who requested independent autopsies, which then revealed "the removal of the structure that would have been the natural focus of the autopsy: the throat."

Greenwald comments here. Goldblog here. As usual, a total blackout on the right-wing blogosphere, apart from Carter's ad hominems. But look we do not have all the facts yet; but we certainly have enough to reopen this case and pursue it wherever it leads.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan