Class And Teen Pregnancy

Sara Rubin isn't a fan of Bristol's new ad:

Advocating for safe sex for teens, and sex for teens only who feel ready to consent comfortably, is something I overwhelmingly support. But using classist scare tactics is offensive and retrograde. As Gawker incisively notes, "The message of the spot is basically, 'If Sarah Palin is not your mother, don't have a baby as a teen...' She shows us that she is lucky to have such a great family and so many opportunities to raise her baby, but no one else has them."

The grating use of the word "pretty" is also bothersome. The ad suggests that rich, influential families produce pretty, well-dressed, well-groomed teenage moms, while poor families produce teenage moms in mere jeans and unbrushed ponytails.

Anna North, on the other hand, appreciates her honesty:

Of course, it's true that having a baby has been a lot easier for Bristol than it is for teens with less disposable income and family support. And in a way it's nice to see her acknowledge her privilege.

I just think the press should stop invading the Palin family's privacy, don't you? I mean: leave the children alone. They want to be private and allowed to live their own lives in peace and quiet. Anyone intruding is obviously an offensive East Coast hack. Oh, wait ....

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