Liberaltarianism Hunting


This OKCupid post on age and political affiliation is pinging around the blogs. Wilkinson reminds readers to "be careful not to confuse cohort effects with life-cycle effects" i.e. that "older people’s politics look a lot different from younger people’s not so much because they are older, but because they are part of a different generational cohort." His thumb-sucker:

Democratic-leaning libertarian young adults are the primary “liberaltarian” constituency. They are to my mind who liberaltarianism is intended for. Liberaltarianism or libertarian-liberal fusionism is not about some ridiculous practical political coalition between Larry Kudlow and Bill Galston. It is about building a coherent, appealing,  practical ideological identity for all those libertarian-ish young folks who don’t want a damn thing to do with the party of old, angry religious white people.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan