The Menaissance Meme

Virginia Postrel shreds William Loeffler's article on the alleged extinction of metrosexuals:

Loeffler's is the latest in a string of articles on the so-called Menaissance (see for instance this 2006 Boston Globe piece). What struck me, however, was the juxtaposition of Don Draper and Michael Westen... The real contrast isn't between these guys and overgroomed Metrosexuals but between both groups, with their grown-up polish, and the beer-bellied American male in comfy shorts and untucked oversized shirt...

What makes Retrosexuals seem manlier than Metrosexuals is theirĀ sprezzatura. They hide the artifice it takes to achieve their look. But the popularity of both models suggests that at least some American men want to escape the pressure to be sloppy.

This is a technique only very accomplished practicing homosexuals achieve: the meticulous attempt to look undone. And it may take a $400 pair of sunglasses.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan