Check, Please

Being on the terrorist watch list is not grounds for being denied a legal firearm.

The Government Accountability Office has found that, from February 2004 to February 2010, 1,225 purchases involving individuals on the watch list were submitted for a Brady background check. Ninety-one percent of these transactions were approved; the other 9 percent were denied for reasons other than the purchasers' suspected terrorist activities. In 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who was also on the FBI's radar, bought a gun that he used to execute a drive-by shooting outside a U.S. military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. One soldier was killed, another wounded. Similarly, anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder legally purchased the handgun he used to kill Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller in 2009 from a pawn shop in Lawrence, Kansas.

Bipartisan bills to reform the screening process have languished in committee because of pressure from the gun lobby. This must make Glenn Reynolds' head explode.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan