The Cordoba Mosque, Ctd

A reader writes:

Gingrich seems determined to drag Saudi intolerance into the debate over the Cordoba Center.  I’ll bite.  Three years ago, I was studying in Israel and took a trip to Beirut to see the city for myself.  There I encountered the Magen Avraham Synogogue in Wadi Abu Jamil, a neighborhood that used to be the Jewish Quarter in Beirut.  The synagogue was dilapidated and decrepit.  Plants grew through the floor and the building looked as if it were about to fall apart.
Recently, with Hezbollah approval, what remains of the Lebanese Jewish community and several outside sources have begun a restoration project.  You can read about the project here and here.  You can follow it on facebook here.  If even Hezbollah allows a synagogue to be built in Beirut, maybe Gingrich should lay off the mosque in lower Manhattan.  Surely that's not too high a standard.

But how many primary voters would it win over?

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