The Evolutionary Case For Monogamy: Heartbreak, Ctd

by Patrick Appel

McArdle agrees with Bering:

If we're evolved to be polyamorous, why do we also seem to be evolved to be extraordinarily possessive?  This seems like an evolutionary maladaptation.  And I find it hard to believe that this is just a cultural quirk, given that it does appear to be cross cultural, and it doesn't fade much over history the way that, say, attitudes about female dress have.

Lifetime monogamy may not be the evolved human template.  But I'm pretty sure that carefree polyamory isn't either.  And at some level, who cares?  Rape seems to be pretty "natural", but I'd still like to build social institutions that fight this "natural instinct".

Dan Savage doesn't like Megan's dichotomy.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan