Who Gets To Be Feminist?

Slate is asking. Kerry Howley opposes a narrow answer:

I have at times in my life been called "feminist," and not always kindly. There is a look people get, a tightening of the mouth and slight rise in the eyebrowsah, yes, you people. It's the look of someone who thinks he knows precisely what he is dealing with. Why it would be in feminism's interest to prove him right, I have no idea.

Says Katie Roiphie:

I am wary of the kind of feminism that views itself as an exclusive club, that provides at the door a checklist of beliefs and requires of all members a mind-numbing blandness and sameness. I admit I write this as someone who herself would not be allowed into the club for the occasional rogue view, but I am suspicious of a movement that wants to dictate a checklist of ideology, that wants to project into the world a party line of acceptable beliefs. Instead, to be vibrant and strong and relevant, feminism should include people with disparate and conflicting views; it should have room for Mary Wollstonecraft, and Emma Goldman, and Camille Paglia, and Christina Hoff Sommers. It should have room for those who are, for instance, pro- and anti-choice. Once we start itemizing: She is allowed, she is not allowedadmittedly a schoolyard instinct women seem to love and don't ever really outgrowwe have to ask who gets to choose? Who will make that list, and where will it end?

Lots more here. Can someone who can't ever spell misogyny be one? Or someone with testicles? There's not a man on the list of contributors.

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