Scalia 1, Ginsburg 0

Via Eugene Volokh, a priceless exchange during oral arguments on the case about regulating violent video games:

JUSTICE GINSBURG: Is there you’ve been asked questions about the vagueness of this and the problem for the seller to know what’s good and what’s bad. California does California have any kind of an advisory opinion, an office that will view these videos and say, yes, this belongs in this, what did you call it, deviant violence, and this one is just violent but not deviant? Is there is there any kind of opinion that the that the seller can get to know which games can be sold to minors and which ones can’t?

MR. MORAZZINI: Not that I’m aware of, Justice Ginsburg.

JUSTICE SCALIA: You should consider creating such a one. You might call it the California office of censorship. It would judge each of these videos one by one. That would be very nice.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan