Distance From Palin

First Pawlenty, now Christie. He makes the obvious point that a viable politician has to be able to parry open questions from the press:

“You have to look at it and see, what are they like when they’re tested, what are they like when they’re not scripted, what are they like when they’re pushed. And I would contend to you that if Governor Palin never does any of those things, she’ll never be president, because people in America won’t countenance that. They just won’t.”

But they let her run for vice-president without a single open press conference - and the MSM went right along. Here's hoping Christie is right. He is, to my mind, an immensely attractive political figure - an unPalin as it were. And he has more understanding of the role of the press in a democracy than the MSM that all but abdicated responsibility in the 2008 campaign.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan