Tunisia Still Smoldering

by Chris Bodenner

A key cluster of updates from Enduring America:

1610 GMT: The Anonymous collective has knocked the website of Egypt's Ministry of Interior off-line.

1600 GMT: A fireman in Oum El Bouaghi in eastern Algeria has tried to commit suicide by pouring lighter fuel on himself and setting it on fire. He is in stable condition in hospital. On 16 January, a civil protection officer attempted self-immolation in the same barracks.

1555 GMT: Lest we forget, given all the excitement in Egypt, there is still a volatile situation in Tunisia.... Hundreds of protesters in Tunisia continued to demonstrate outside Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi's office today, maintaining the pressure to force out Cabinet members linked to the former ruling party RCD.

Scott Lucas captions the above video:

General Rachid Ammar, the head of Tunisia's Army, speaks on Monday to protesters in Tunis (see updates and analysis for details)

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan