Why Is Paying Taxes So Hard?

A report by Nina Olsen claims that the "“most serious problem facing taxpayersand the IRSis the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code.” Howard Gleckman summarizes:

Olsen estimates that individuals and businesses spend 6.1 billion hours preparing their returns. That equal to a year’s labor by three million full-time workers. Individual taxpayers are so befuddled by the Code that she reports 89 percent either pay a preparer or buy commercial software to help with the paperwork. The total cost of compliance in 2008, Olsen estimates, was $163 billion, or more than 11 percent of total income tax collections. The average out-of-pocket cost per taxpayer: $258. Something is very wrong when we have to pay a vendor $258 just to perform the most basic of civic duties.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan