The Spiritual Center, Ctd

A reader writes:

I can't speak for all agnostics, but your reader has gotten my agnosticism exactly backward: I'm agnostic because I care about the source of that mystery.

Searching beyond the religion of my childhood, I have discovered the sacrificial death of a god followed by his resurrection three days later in multiple versions, across centuries and continents. I have sought out moments of spiritual transcendence precisely because I am enthralled by the universal nature of the "religious" experience. Your reader speaks of the humility of faith, but centers that faith around just one of the many faces of humanity's belief. Who looks at the all the great old books of other religions and just shrugs?

I, too, look forward to a day of knowing, and I approach it with hope - that no loving, caring Deity would place us on this Earth without the intention of watching us exercise our curiosity. If I am to be rejected for doubting, seeking, and using my intellectual gifts to understand this beautiful universe, then there is no loving, caring Deity to embrace me, and I have lost nothing.

Another writes:

I am an agnostic who does not feel my life one bit less richer because of it.  I acknowledge mystery in the world.  In fact, I see the world at times as a beautiful, mysterious, dreamlike place.  I constantly ask myself what this all means.  However, I know that no one, including myself, has the answer. 

I hope there is an afterlife.  I hope that it is a place of love considering all of the suffering that goes on in this world.  But religions created by men cannot tell us these things.  In the meantime, I'm satisfied with the meaning of life as given to us by Kurt Vonnegut: We're here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.

2006-2011 archives for The Daily Dish, featuring Andrew Sullivan